Jesus sa att Han kommit för att tända en eld på jorden, och det är bla väckelsens eld som kan gå över en stad eller ett land. Sverige behöver och längtar efter en väckelse, och denna predikan vill belysa vilka saker som är viktiga för att vi ska få se människor bli födda på nytt och frälsta i större omfattning än idag. Gud välsigne Dig som lyssnar!
The Bible says that in the last days two kinds of christs that will sit on the throne and rule the world. One is the Antichrist, and he will reign with power, threat and force for a few years. The other one is the Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ, and He will reign in a Kingdom filled with grace, peace and joy for Eternity. Choose your Kingdom and your King and be watchful that no one deceives you in the last days!
2019 sister Liliane received a powerful word from the Lord: I hear the sound of Footsteps. Be ready to be raptured into the sky, to meet Me.
Jesus Christ is Coming back soon, we see all the signs of His Coming from Mathew 24: earthquakes, wars and rumours of wars, false prophets and false apostles, and we see the fig tree, Israel, putting forth leaves and bearing fruit.
This time Jesus doesn´t come as a Lamb to be sacrificed for our sins, but as the Lion of Judah with all of His Mighty Angels, and no man can stop Him. All we can do is to say yes, or no. Say yes today and be saved and meet Him as your Saviour and not as your Holy Judge.
A drug addict from Sweden just got the idea that he should go to Israel. The plane landed, and he walked down the stairs, and exactly in the same second as his foot touched the soil of Israel, he heard a voice say: I Am God, and this is My Land. He was shaken by the voice and overwhelmed by the Presence of God in Israel and repented and received Jesus Christ.
Israel is a land about which almost everyone has a strong opinion. Most people all over the world dislike it, and even more sadly many people hate it, but most of the believers in Jesus Christ, all over the world, in Africa and Pakistan, they love it, and above all, God loves Israel so much more.
God exists, and Israel is His Land forever and ever. No man can change that.
2019 sister Liliane received a powerful word from the Lord: I hear the sound of Footsteps. Be ready to be raptured into the sky, to meet Me.
The coming of Jesus Christ draws near, a moment of terror and fear for His enemies, because this time He comes as a Lion, not as a Lamb, but a moment of deliverance, joy and victory for His children. Be on the Right side, that is on the side of Jesus, and be ready!
The only way for a man to be saved is through faith in Jesus Christ. That´s what Jesus said, and my experience, seeking God for nine years in other religions and finding nothing, but when I began to seek Jesus, things started to happen. And since the gospel is from God, not men, we have no right to change the gospel, no, we are to preach it as it is written until Jesus Christ comes back!
Denna predikan handlar om vad som ligger framför för vårt land, något jag fått i drömmar från Gud, och även om Jesus som Konung, med Majestät och all makt i himmel och på jord. Sist men inte minst handlar det om Jesu Återkomst. Jag hoppas att den ska förbereda Guds folk för vad som ligger framför.
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