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Preparing to stand in the storm (English/Swahili)
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I preach once a week, every Thursday, on a radiochannel in Migori, Kenya, and the title and inspiration for this message was placed on my heart during the night before speaking on Thursday 19 of January. It is about what is going to happen in the world quite soon, even though I do not know exactly when, and how to prepare for it and how to look upon what is awaiting. I ask the Lord to bless, keep, empower and use everyone who listens. In Jesus Name. In English and Swahili.

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I Am God and this is My Land (English/Swahili (only written)
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A drug addict from Sweden just got the idea that he should go to Israel. The plane landed, and he walked down the stairs, and exactly in the same second as his foot touched the soil of Israel, he heard a voice say: I Am God, and this is My Land. He was shaken by the voice and overwhelmed by the Presence of God in Israel and repented and received Jesus Christ.

Israel is a land about which almost everyone has a strong opinion. Most people all over the world dislike it, and even more sadly many people hate it, but most of the believers in Jesus Christ, all over the world, in Africa and Pakistan, they love it, and above all, God loves Israel so much more.

God exists, and Israel is His Land forever and ever. No man can change that.

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Jesus Christ, the Rock in the coming storm (English/বাংলা)
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This sermon called “Jesus Christ, the Rock in the coming storm” (English and Bengali), and it’s is for all of my English speaking brothers/sisters in Christ Jesus, in Sweden and all over the world. It’s about what is about to come, how to prepare and about the Coming of Christ. I believe that it’s important to take part of and is partly prophetic. It is in English, spoken and written form, and also translated to Bengali, both written and spoken. So you can listen, download or read. Please feel free to share it on Facebook! God bless you all and may God strengthen you in Christ.

এইউপদেশটি”যীশুখ্রীষ্ট, আগতঝড়েরমধ্যেশিলাহয়ে” নামেপরিচিত(ইংরাজীএবংবাংলা), এবংএটিখ্রিস্টযীশুতে, সুইডেনেএবংসারাবিশ্বেআমারইংরেজিভাষীসমস্তভাই/ বোনদেরজন্য। এটিকীআসবে, কীভাবেপ্রস্তুতহবেএবংখ্রিস্টেরআগমনসম্পর্কে। আমিবিশ্বাসকরিযেঅংশনেওয়াগুরুত্বপূর্ণএবংআংশিকভাবেভবিষ্যদ্বাণীমূলকহয়এটিইংরেজীভাষায়, কথ্যএবংলিখিতআকারেএবংলিখিতএবংকথ্যউভয়ইবাংলায়অনুবাদিত। সুতরাংআপনিশুনতে, ডাউনলোডবাপড়তেপারেন। এটিফেসবুকেশেয়ারকরুননির্দ্বিধায়দয়াকরে! ঈশ্বরআপনাদেরসকলকেমঙ্গলকরুনএবংঈশ্বরআপনাকেখ্রিস্টেশক্তিমানকরুন।

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Sermon on the Prophecy of Valdres (English/Bengali)
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I have before recorded this prophecy, but this is a sermon on it that tries to interpret its meaning and content. I trust this prophecy since it has proven correct into details and was brought forward by believers in Christ that are trustworthy. I believe we should listen to this prophecy and I believe that it is important that we try to understand what she speaks about.

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