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The Father with two sons (English/Luganda)
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One of the most touching and powerful parables of Jesus Christ is the parable of the prodigal son, in Swedish the parable of the lost son. It is a message about someone who lives in his sins, just to one day wake up and realize that he has lost everything and has nothing here in life. Sad and poor he starts turning back to his father, hoping to maybe at least have food on the table, but is suprised to see that the father gives him everything back, for free.

It is also a parable of the son who stays at home, working hard to please his father, not seeing all the good things that his merciful father gives him everyday. This is a picture of a believer in Jesus Christ, working hard and trying to please God with good deeds.

And above all it’s a parable which showes us the Heart of Our Heavenly Father, how Merciful and good He is, running towards His “lost son”, happy to see him home again alive, not even mentioning the sins he had committed when he wasted his Fathers money.

Broadcasted via Radio Favor in Kampala, Uganda. In English and Luganda. God bless you all!

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The falling away and the coming of the Antichrist (English/Swahili)
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The Bible says that in the end of times there will come someone who will rule the world. He is called the Antichrist and if the believers in Christ will still be here when he steps forth, we need to be able to recognize him, in order not to be decieved. Many preachers today say that before Jesus comes back there will be a great end time revival, and the earth will be under the Dominion of the believers in Jesus Christ, but the Bible says that before Jesus comes back there will be a great falling away and the earth will be under the Antichrist. So who is right? I ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth in all of this, through the Word of God.

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Who is Jesus of Nazareth (English/Luganda)
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The most widespread and known name of all names, seen all over the world and throughout history, is the Name Jesus. Most people would say: yes, I have heard that Name before! But if you ask who Jesus was, you will receive many various answers. In this sermon I will show you who the Bible says that Jesus was, and what my own experience is, and my answer to the question: who is Jesus of Nazareth? Now Jesus turns His Loving Eyes to you, and asks you: and you, who do you say that I Am? Your answer to that question may very well decide your eternal destiny.

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My testimony (English/Luganda)
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This is a short testimony broadcasted on radio in Kampala, the capital of Uganda. It is about my life. It is about how I was raised in a christian family, but in my teenage i backslid and joined the Swedish Specail Forces and was a captain in the reserve for 15 years. I was succesful, but lonely and unhappy, but in 2005 my life crashed and I started to seek Jesus Christ and I met him in April 2006. I hope that you will be touched and blessed by listening to it.

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Jesus-the Lamb of God (English/Swahili)
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Jesus has many names, and one is “the Lamb of God”, sacrificed for our sins. Not a single person on this earth is free from sin, and that makes us all totally lost for God and Eternity.

But Jesus gave His life for us, took all of our sins upon Himself, and by His stripes, our relationship with God, broken becuase of sin, is fully healed and restored. But that is only if you choose to say “yes” to Jesus, because it is a free choice from God, offering us forgiveness of sins, salvation and Eternal life, if we turn to Jesus and receive Him. I pray that everyone who ever listens to this message will choose to say “thank You, Jesus, I say yes to what You have done for me!”.

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I hear the sound of Footsteps (English written and spoken)
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2019 sister Liliane received a powerful word from the Lord: I hear the sound of Footsteps. Be ready to be raptured into the sky, to meet Me.

Jesus Christ is Coming back soon, we see all the signs of His Coming from Mathew 24: earthquakes, wars and rumours of wars, false prophets and false apostles, and we see the fig tree, Israel, putting forth leaves and bearing fruit.

This time Jesus doesn´t come as a Lamb to be sacrificed for our sins, but as the Lion of Judah with all of His Mighty Angels, and no man can stop Him. All we can do is to say yes, or no. Say yes today and be saved and meet Him as your Saviour and not as your Holy Judge.

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I Am God and this is My Land (English spoken and written)
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I Am God and this is My Land. Those amazing words were heard as a voice speaking to a drug addict who, “by happenstance”, visited Israel. He was overwhelmed by the understanding that there is a God in Heaven, and the Presence of God in Israel. Today he is saved and works to help other drug addicts.

When you love Jesus, you will love what He loves, and dislike what He dislikes. Jesus loves everything created, so you will love the atheists, muslims and hindus, but you will especially love your brothers/sisters and the Jewish people and the country of Israel, because those are the precious pearls in the Eyes of the Lord. Sad to say we see more and more hostility towards Israel, also in Sweden, also among believers in Jesus Christ, but I would say that if you call yourself a follower of Jesus and can not say from your heart that you love Israel, you should go down on your knees before God and give you love for Israel. Ask, and it shall be given! God bless everyone who listens, and God bless Israel.

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I Am God and this is My Land (English/Urdu (written and spoken)
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I Am God and this is My Land. Those amazing words were heard as a voice speaking to a drug addict who, “by happenstance”, visited Israel. He was overwhelmed by the understanding that there is a God in Heaven, and the Presence of God in Israel. Today he is saved and works to help other drug addicts.

When you love Jesus, you will love what He loves, and dislike what He dislikes. Jesus loves everything created, so you will love the atheists, muslims and hindus, but you will especially love your brothers/sisters and the Jewish people and the country of Israel, because those are the precious pearls in the Eyes of the Lord. God bless everyone who listens, and God bless Israel.

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Mitt liv-fritt från hjärtat
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Detta är mitt liv berättat i korthet, från barndomen i Byske, skolåren, mina år inom Fallskärmsjägarna och sedan hur jag kom till tro och mötte Jesus Kristus. Känn Dig fri att dela till andra om Du så vill.

Jag har alltid varit intresserad av människor och läst många memoarer och lyssnat på människors berättelser om sina liv. För mig kan en medmänniskas liv och inre verklighet aldrig bli ointressant. Hoppas att någon kan tycka samma sak om mitt liv. Fast som kristen lever man alltid med en spänd förväntan på vad Gud ska göra härnäst. Vi har alltid det bästa framför oss, både här i tiden, för även om det kan vara öken, prövning och torka så gör Gud något i vårt inre, och framför allt i Evigheten. Där väntar “vad inget öga sett och inget öra hört, vad Gud har berett åt dem som älskar Honom”. Vad som väntar där kan vi inte ens föreställa oss. Se framåt och uppåt med förväntan, broder och syster!

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