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In the last days two kinds of Christ will come (English & written Luganda)
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In the last days two kinds of Christ will come. One looks like The Lion of Judah, seems to have a lot of strength and power and to be a savoir, but is just like a small cat and will reign just a few years.

The other One is the Lion of Judah, and He will come in all power, glory and authority, and defeat all of His enemies in an instant and reign forever. Which King do you want to follow? And if you are here when they come, are you totally sure that you can see and tell the difference?

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Tillber muslimer, kristna och judar samma Gud?
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Allt fler muslimer bosätter sig i Sverige och som en följd därav växer Islams inflytande på svenska samhället och delar av vår kristenhet. Det byggs även kyrkor gemensamt med muslimer och en del säger att vi har samma Gud, men är det verkligen sant? Tillber vi samma Gud? Mitt svar grundar sig på vad Bibeln säger.

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