The Bible says that in the end of times there will come someone who will rule the world. He is called the Antichrist and if the believers in Christ will still be here when he steps forth, we need to be able to recognize him, in order not to be decieved. Many preachers today say that before Jesus comes back there will be a great end time revival, and the earth will be under the Dominion of the believers in Jesus Christ, but the Bible says that before Jesus comes back there will be a great falling away and the earth will be under the Antichrist. So who is right? I ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth in all of this, through the Word of God.
This is the second message in a series of three about the Coming of Jesus Christ. The first message focused on the signs and how to prepare our hearts and lives, and this message focuses more on His Coming, trying to give answers to the question when and what it will look like. From Radio Milambo, Migori, Kenya.
The most widespread and known name of all names, seen all over the world and throughout history, is the Name Jesus. Most people would say: yes, I have heard that Name before! But if you ask who Jesus was, you will receive many various answers. In this sermon I will show you who the Bible says that Jesus was, and what my own experience is, and my answer to the question: who is Jesus of Nazareth? Now Jesus turns His Loving Eyes to you, and asks you: and you, who do you say that I Am? Your answer to that question may very well decide your eternal destiny.
This is a short testimony broadcasted on radio in Kampala, the capital of Uganda. It is about my life. It is about how I was raised in a christian family, but in my teenage i backslid and joined the Swedish Specail Forces and was a captain in the reserve for 15 years. I was succesful, but lonely and unhappy, but in 2005 my life crashed and I started to seek Jesus Christ and I met him in April 2006. I hope that you will be touched and blessed by listening to it.
I preach once a week, every Thursday, on a radiochannel in Migori, Kenya, and the title and inspiration for this message was placed on my heart during the night before speaking on Thursday 19 of January. It is about what is going to happen in the world quite soon, even though I do not know exactly when, and how to prepare for it and how to look upon what is awaiting. I ask the Lord to bless, keep, empower and use everyone who listens. In Jesus Name. In English and Swahili.
I have been given the grace to go on mission trips to East Africa 8 times, and I have been blessed and happy meeting many beloved brothers/sisters and wonderful churches. But I have also visited churches where I hear that another christ is being preached, and that Jesus is not there, and it makes me very sad.
God is good and has given all of us so much, but the absolutely most precious thing He has ever given man is the gospel about His Beloved Son. Those who hear and believe are given amazing grace from God and salvation, the greatest gift God can ever give us.
But since this message is so important and precious, it is important that we preach the Gospel the way it is written, that we don´t change it. This message wants to open up our eyes for how serious it is in the Eyes of God to change it and to show how you can see if you are in a church where another christ is being preached. God bless everyone who listens!
Jesus has many names, and one is “the Lamb of God”, sacrificed for our sins. Not a single person on this earth is free from sin, and that makes us all totally lost for God and Eternity.
But Jesus gave His life for us, took all of our sins upon Himself, and by His stripes, our relationship with God, broken becuase of sin, is fully healed and restored. But that is only if you choose to say “yes” to Jesus, because it is a free choice from God, offering us forgiveness of sins, salvation and Eternal life, if we turn to Jesus and receive Him. I pray that everyone who ever listens to this message will choose to say “thank You, Jesus, I say yes to what You have done for me!”.
Gud är en person, inte någons slags abstrakt kraft i Universum, utan en Person med olika karaktärsdrag som vi kan lära känna. Och lär man känna Jesus, dvs Gud, så inser man snabbt att Han är helt unik. Ja, Jesus är sådan som de flesta av oss skulle önska att vi själva vore: talar alltid sanning, håller alla Sina löften, är alltid ödmjuk och kärleksfull osv.
Och även om jag älskar allt vad Jesus är, så ville jag denna gång tala om de drag hos Jesus som jag nog älskar och fascineras av mest av allt: Jesu Helighet och Majestät, Hans outgrundliga godhet och Kärlek, och Jesu djupa ödmjukhet. Bilden jag har valt är en symbol för Jesus, som är både Lejonet av Judah, Väldig i strid, Mäktig i kraft och styrka och orädd som ett Lejon, men som samtidigt är Guds Lamm, så ödmjuk, mild, värnlös.
Första gången Jesus kom till jorden så kom Han som ett Lamm, ett oskyldigt Offerlamm för att offras för våra synder, utan att göra motstånd mot Sina motståndare. Men när Jesus kommer tillbaka snart, då kommer Han som Lejonet av Juda, för att Segra över Sina fiender, Härska och Regera, i Evighet. Allt kommer att läggas under Jesu Fötter, alla knän ska böjas, en del motvilligt, andra helt frivilligt, i djup tacksamhet och vördnad för Guds Son, och med jublande glädje över att Han är tillbaka.
Jag ber att Du som lyssnar ska få känna av lite grann av Vem och hurdan Jesus Är som Person, och om Du inte har fått möta Jesus så ber jag att Du ska få göra det. Gud välsigne Er alla rikligen! I Jesu Kristi Namn.
God is a person, not some kind of abstract force in the Universe, but a Person with different parts of His character that we can get to know. And if you get to know Jesus, i.e. God, you quickly realize that He is completely unique. Yes, Jesus is what most of us would like ourselves to be: always speaks the truth, keeps all His promises, is always humble and loving, etc.
And although I love everything that Jesus is, this time I wanted to talk about the features of Jesus that I probably love and are fascinated by most of all: Jesus’ Holiness and Majesty, His unfathomable goodness and Love, and Jesus’ deep humility. The image I have chosen for Youtube is a symbol of Jesus, who is both the Lion of Judah, Mighty in battle, Mighty in power and strength and fearless like a Lion, but who is at the same time the Lamb of God, so humble, gentle, sensitive and vulnerable.
The first time Jesus came to earth, He came as a Lamb, an innocent Sacrificial Lamb to be sacrificed for our sins, without resisting His adversaries. But when Jesus returns soon, then He will come as the Lion of Judah, to Triumph over His enemies, Rule and Reign, in Eternity. Everything will be laid at the Feet of Jesus, all knees will bow, some reluctantly, others quite willingly, in deep gratitude and reverence for the Son of God, and with exultant joy that He is back. I pray that you, who listen, will get a little sense of Who and what Jesus is like as a Person, and if you have not had the opportunity to meet Jesus, I pray that you will be allowed to do so. God bless you all abundantly. In Jesus Name.
As believers in Jesus Christ we love Him and want to come ever closer to Him and become more like Him, and in order to do that we have to get to know His Personality. Three aspects of His Personality that I love maybe most of all are His Humility, His goodness and His Holiness. This is from a sermon online in Pakistan. Khuda apko berket de!
Denna predikan handlar om vad som ofta sker när en människa står inför jordelivets slut, dvs man ska möta döden, och träda in i Evigheten. Den tar sin utgångspunkt i ett gripande vittnesbörd om Carter Conlon och hans pappa, som tog emot Jesus och Frälsningen på dödsbädden. Men, som Carter sa i den predikan när han talade om detta: mina vänner, det var i sista ögonblicket, men det räknas, och det räcker, för nu väntar pappa på mig i Himlen! Lyssna på detta och gör samma val som Carters pappa gjorde!
Jesus kom för syndares skull, och Jesu allra viktigaste uppdrag på jorden var att frälsa syndare. Och inget gör Jesus så lycklig och glad som när Han får finna och frälsa en förlorad syndare. Och inget gör en människa så lycklig och glad som när hon får finna Jesus, eller kanske rättare sagt får bli funnen av Jesus, och får gå från att vara en förlorad syndare till att bli en benådad syndare, som får stå under Guds Nåd och njuta av Guds välbehag.
Jesus sa att Han kommit för att tända en eld på jorden, och det är bla väckelsens eld som kan gå över en stad eller ett land. Sverige behöver och längtar efter en väckelse, och denna predikan vill belysa vilka saker som är viktiga för att vi ska få se människor bli födda på nytt och frälsta i större omfattning än idag. Gud välsigne Dig som lyssnar!
In the End of time before Jesus comes back, the Bible speaks about shakings and difficult times. It will not be easy, not for us who belong to Jesus either. But as believers in Jesus Christ we have something that other people don´t have: a refuge and a strength, the Lord God Almighty. He will preserve and fight for us and we can rest under His Shadow.
Before Jesus Christ comes back there will be shakings, birth pains Jesus called them, and it will affect also those who belong to Jesus Christ. But we have Someone who is fitghting for us, so we can be at rest, hold our peace. This sermon is about security and trust in God. Mungu akubariki sana!
Vi ser tecknen på Jesu Återkomst och de födslovåndor Jesus talar om: rykten om krig, farsoter och naturkatastrofer, nu senast med Ukraina. Det är lätt att drabbas av fruktan, men Jesus säger: se till att Ni inte oroas, utan när allt detta börjar hända: räta på Er och lyft Er blick ty Er befrielse närmar sig. Vi kristna har inget att frukta, men vi behöver ha en fast och trygg förankring, som grundar sig på Vem vår Gud Är och vad Jesus Kristus har gjort för oss på Golgata kors. Det är en fast grund, en Klippa i stormen att luta sig mot.
یہ خطبہ اردو میں ہے، اور انگریزی بولی اور لکھی جاتی ہے۔ یہ آنے والی چیزوں کے بارے میں ہے اور رب پر بھروسہ کرنا ہے۔
ہم میں سے ان لوگوں کے لیے جو یسوع مسیح سے تعلق رکھتے ہیں، ہمارے پاس ایک شاندار سلامتی ہے، کیونکہ ہم نے خُداوند خُدا میں پناہ لی ہے۔
لیکن جو چیزیں یسوع کی واپسی سے پہلے آنے والی ہیں وہ ہم پر بھی اثر انداز ہوں گی، اس لیے ہمیں آنے والی چیزوں کے لیے تیاری کرنی چاہیے۔ ہم چٹان پر اپنا گھر بناتے ہیں اور طوفان اور بارش آ سکتی ہے، لیکن یہ ہمارے گھر کو ہلانے والا نہیں ہے۔ ہم اس حقیقت پر بھروسہ کرتے ہیں کہ ہمارا خدا قادر مطلق ہے اور یسوع مسیح نے صلیب پر ہمارے لیے کیا کیا ہے۔ آنے والے طوفانوں اور ایسی چٹان سے گزرنے کا یہ یقینی طریقہ ہے جسے ہلایا نہیں جا سکتا۔
In the last days two kinds of Christ will come. One looks like The Lion of Judah, seems to have a lot of strength and power and to be a savoir, but is just like a small cat and will reign just a few years.
The other One is the Lion of Judah, and He will come in all power, glory and authority, and defeat all of His enemies in an instant and reign forever. Which King do you want to follow? And if you are here when they come, are you totally sure that you can see and tell the difference?
In the last days the Bible speaks about a time of suffering and testing, and the Lord has shown me that it is coming closer. This is a prophetic sermon about what is about to happen and what the Lord wants us to do and about the Faithfulness and Almighty Power of His Right Hand. Khuda apko berket de!
A sermon about the deepest meaning of the Christmas. The birth of Jesus, a Saviour for everyone who believes in Him. It’s in Urdu both written and spoken. God bless you who listens.
Who was the child being born 2000 years ago? Why has His Name become so famous and widespread? The Bible gives an amazing answer: He was the Son of God, sent by God the Father to save us all from the Judgement for our sins and gives us forgiveness, grace and Eternal life in Heaven. Who would say no to such an offer?
Julens budskap är makalöst för den som stannar upp och betänker det.
För ca 2000 år sedan föddes Ett Barn nästan obemärkt till vår jord, men som ändrat hela världshistorien. Genom detta Barn har Gud utplånat alla människors synder och öppnat en Väg till Gud och till Himlen och erbjuder nu alla förlåtelse, frälsning och Evigt liv genom tron på Jesus, Guds Son.
Jesus är snart tillbaka, det ser vi tydligt, men i den sista tiden säger Guds Ord att två slags Kristus ska komma: Jesus Kristus och Antikrist, som kommer att bedra många. Trots att dessa två Kristus är varandras motsatser så tror jag att de kommer att vara “förvillande lika” varandra.
Denna predikan vill väcka upp oss kristna inför den sista tiden, belysa lite om hur vi ska kunna se skillnad på dem så vi inte blir bedragna.
I Am God and this is My Land. Those amazing words were heard as a voice speaking to a drug addict who, “by happenstance”, visited Israel. He was overwhelmed by the understanding that there is a God in Heaven, and the Presence of God in Israel. Today he is saved and works to help other drug addicts.
When you love Jesus, you will love what He loves, and dislike what He dislikes. Jesus loves everything created, so you will love the atheists, muslims and hindus, but you will especially love your brothers/sisters and the Jewish people and the country of Israel, because those are the precious pearls in the Eyes of the Lord. Sad to say we see more and more hostility towards Israel, also in Sweden, also among believers in Jesus Christ, but I would say that if you call yourself a follower of Jesus and can not say from your heart that you love Israel, you should go down on your knees before God and give you love for Israel. Ask, and it shall be given! God bless everyone who listens, and God bless Israel.
The Word says that in the last days, two kinds of “Christs” will come and rule the world, and even though it is a very disputed question, the Word of God seems to say that the Antichrist comes first, and then Jesus Christ.
We need to learn what the Word says and stick to it to be able not to be deceived in the last days, because the Bible says that it will be marked by false prophets and apostles, doing miracles and wonders to, if possible, deceive even the elect.
The Bible says that in the last days two kinds of christs that will sit on the throne and rule the world. One is the Antichrist, and he will reign with power, threat and force for a few years. The other one is the Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ, and He will reign in a Kingdom filled with grace, peace and joy for Eternity. Choose your Kingdom and your King and be watchful that no one deceives you in the last days!
I Am God and this is My Land. Those amazing words were heard as a voice speaking to a drug addict who, “by happenstance”, visited Israel. He was overwhelmed by the understanding that there is a God in Heaven, and the Presence of God in Israel. Today he is saved and works to help other drug addicts.
When you love Jesus, you will love what He loves, and dislike what He dislikes. Jesus loves everything created, so you will love the atheists, muslims and hindus, but you will especially love your brothers/sisters and the Jewish people and the country of Israel, because those are the precious pearls in the Eyes of the Lord. Sad to say we see more and more hostility towards Israel, also in Sweden, also among believers in Jesus Christ, but I would say that if you call yourself a follower of Jesus and can not say from your heart that you love Israel, you should go down on your knees before God and give you love for Israel. Ask, and it shall be given! God bless everyone who listens, and God bless Israel.
2019 sister Liliane received a powerful word from the Lord: I hear the sound of Footsteps. Be ready to be raptured into the sky, to meet Me.
Jesus Christ is Coming back soon, we see all the signs of His Coming from Mathew 24: earthquakes, wars and rumours of wars, false prophets and false apostles, and we see the fig tree, Israel, putting forth leaves and bearing fruit.
This time Jesus doesn´t come as a Lamb to be sacrificed for our sins, but as the Lion of Judah with all of His Mighty Angels, and no man can stop Him. All we can do is to say yes, or no. Say yes today and be saved and meet Him as your Saviour and not as your Holy Judge.
I Am God and this is My Land. Those amazing words were heard as a voice speaking to a drug addict who, “by happenstance”, visited Israel. He was overwhelmed by the understanding that there is a God in Heaven, and the Presence of God in Israel. Today he is saved and works to help other drug addicts.
When you love Jesus, you will love what He loves, and dislike what He dislikes. Jesus loves everything created, so you will love the atheists, muslims and hindus, but you will especially love your brothers/sisters and the Jewish people and the country of Israel, because those are the precious pearls in the Eyes of the Lord. Sad to say we see more and more hostility towards Israel, also in Sweden, also among believers in Jesus Christ, but I would say that if you call yourself a follower of Jesus and can not say from your heart that you love Israel, you should go down on your knees before God and give you love for Israel. Ask, and it shall be given! God bless everyone who listens, and God bless Israel.
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