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Can we loose our salvation? (English/Swahili)
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To be saved is the most important and most wonderful thing in our lives, and when we are saved there is an amazing grace to lean upon. Being in Christ is a great security. But some preachers teach Once Saved Always Saved (OSAS), and that sounds good, but is it true according to the Bible? But we should never forget what an amazing love and grace that dwells in the Heart of Jesus Christ, always willing and happy to receive us and embrace us in His loving Arms when we repent and turn back home. Broadcasted via Radio Milambo, Kenya, in English and Swahili.

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The teacher is here and He is calling on you (English/Swahili)
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The gospel of John is my favourite gospel, and many stories in it touch my heart deeply, and when Jesus raises Lazarus is absolutely one of them. And you can see the power and love in Jesus’s words when He is calling on you, with your name. It will raise you from the dead, but also call you out from a life in sin and meaninglessness. And when your time on earth is about to end and you belong to Jesus, He is calling on you to be with Him forever. Hallelujah. Broadcasted by Radio Milambo in English and Swahili.

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Jesus Christ died on the cross-instead of you and me (English/Swahili)
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The situation for every single human being before a Holy and Righteous God is hopeless when we think about Eternity. All of us have sinned, and actually much more than we think ourselves, and no matter how many good deeds we do, like helping people, it can not pay our debt to God.

But what was impossible for us, God did, through His Beloved Son Jesus Christ. He died on the cross for all of our sins, and He rose on the third day. Now it is finished! Everyone who wants can be saved, just to turn back to God and receive Jesus Christ and believe in Him. Broadcasted via Radio Milambo, Kenya, in English and Swahili.

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The Christian family (English/swahili)
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A family, a spouse and children, is a great and wonderful gift from God. But every relation, including our relation with the Lord Jesus, and within our family, needs to be nurtured in order to grow and become deeper. This sermon is about some things that the Bible says about the family. Broadcasted via Radio Milambo, Kenya. In Engish and Swahili.

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John – the apostle of love (English/Swahili)
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The three apostles that have had the greatest impact on the church are Peter, Paul and John, and they are all examples to follow in many ways. And I love and Peter and Paul, and want to be like them, for instance like Paul in his devotion. But John is very special to me, for many reasons, and one of them is the amazing love that you can see in the gospel of John and his three letters.

And we are called to follow his example, just as Peter and Paul, and grow in love. But remember where this love is found: only in Jesus Christ, and it is given, not by merit, but by grace, as a gift, to everyone who asks, believes and receives. Broadcasted via Radio Milambo, Migori, Kenya.

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And the Word became flesh (English/Swahili)
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Connected with the celebration of Christmas, there are some theological truths that are under attack in the worldwide church today, but that we never must abandon. And they are: Mary being a virgin until the birth of Jesus, the Holy Spirit being the reason of her becoming pregnant, and that Jesus was 100% God and 100% man. This sermon is about these topics. (Radio Milambo, Kenya)

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Standing at the gates of Eternity (English/Swahili)
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This is touching story about the father of Carter Conlon and how he was saved right before his death tells us about the most important change of our lives: what we are going to trust in when we are standing at the gates of Eternity. Then we can trust in either our own goodness, or trust in the goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ. The first path will not lead to Heaven, but the shed blood on the cross, covering our sins, counted righteous because of faith in Jesus, that will give you entrance through the Gates of Heaven. (Radio Milambo, Kenya.)

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The newborn Savior (English/Swahili)
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Every year we celebrate Christmas because of the birth of a child called Jesus. Every serious historian, doing research about this period of time agree that Jesus of Nazareth has existed. The question is: who was He?

The Bible says that He was the Messiah, a Savior sent by God the Father to save everyone who wants to receive and believe. Jesus has finished His mission, paying the full price for our sin. Now your eternity depends upon how you receive this newborn child. In English and Swahili.

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Touching the Heart of God can turn judgement into Grace (English/Swahili)
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The Lord our God is a Merciful God, but there are occasions when His righteousness gives Him no option but to send judgement, even though that´s not what He wants.

But even then, the Bible shows that very often, the Lord is willing to turn judgement into Grace, when our repentence, grief and prayers touch the Heart of God. So never give up, not even when you have really failed the Lord, because when you turn back, He might change His mind. Broadcasted via Radio Milambo, Kenya. In English and Swahili.

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Created to gratitude (English/Swahili)
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Everything we have has been given to us, by grace. Everything we have, everything we are, is a gift from God. The natural response to that is gratitude and love to God. We are actually created to love God and be grateful for everything. But in this time, for many reasons, gratitude and love is quite rare in Sweden, the West, but it has also diminished in Africa. This sermon wants to show the importance of this and that it is both natural and good for us. Broadcasted via Radio Milambo, Migori, Kenya, in Swahili and English.

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From wisdom to vanity (English/Swahili)
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King Solomon is one of the most wellknown kings in the history of Israel, and he started off with an amazing wisdom, closeness to the Lord and wrote amazing books in the Bible like proverbs, some psalms, the Song of songs, and others. But at the end of his life he wrote Ecclesiastes, and when you read that you can sense that something had happened in between the start of his reign and the end. This sermon is about this king, called Solomon, and the things that we can learn from his life and walk with the Lord, and it ends with a couple of words about how the Lord wants us to finish our race.

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How to identify a false church (English/Swahili)
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The Bible predicts that in the last days there will be spiritual deception in an uprecendented scale in the church, and that is also what we see today. A listener from Migori Kenya called after one sermon via Radio Milambo and asked how we can see that it is a false church and not a true one, and this sermon is an attempt to give you some keys to see it.

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A man after God´s Own Heart (English/Swahili)
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The Bible is primarily about God and the Son of God, Jesus Christ, but it has also many examples of men who have walked with the Lord and from whom we can learn a lot, both from their mistakes and their good examples. There are especially some people who touch me, challenge me and inspire me more than the others, and from whom I can see that I have a lot to learn. These persons had a great calling of the God in Heaven and they had found grace and mercy in the Eyes of the Lord, and when I read about them they fill my heart with deep respect and love. Some of those I think about are: Abraham, Moses, king David, the virgin Mary, and the apostles Peter, John and Paul, and I will preach over their lives in a few sermons and what to learn from their lives.

And this sermon is about king David, who had many great qualities in his character, and we should learn from them, but also learn from the greatest mistake of his life: the story of Batseba and Uriah.

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Letting the love of Jesus Christ change your life (English/Swahili)
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To me, there is nothing better in life than to receive and feel the love of Jesus Christ. The depths of His love and the sweetness of Jesus’s Presence never stops astonishing me and draw me to Him.

And the love that Jesus has for you and me will, when you receive it and experience it, change you completely, and you will never be the same again. The love of Jesus has changed gang members into peaceful lambs and selfish people into love driven people, caring about others, putting them before themselves.

And when you open up your heart and let Jesus enter and let Him fill you with His overwhelming love, you will also be changed, and it’s something that you will never regret.

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It is written! (English/Swahili)
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God’s Word is the strongest rock there is, in God’s Word there is salvation, rescue, for all people who live on our earth. Therefore, the Word is what the Evil One directs many of his attacks against, and today the Word is more attacked in Sweden than since our country became Christian, and unfortunately not only in society, but also in the Church of Jesus Christ, for example through Liberal Theology.

This sermon wants to try to point out how the Word is today questioned and attacked, and how we can respond to it, but also point out the incredible power, wisdom and authority that is in the Word, and how important it is for us to be anchored in God’s Word, with our faith and our lives, because then we become very difficult to shake, because God’s Word cannot be shaken, and lasts forever.

And when the Evil One tempted Jesus in the desert, Jesus answered: it is written, and for those words the Enemy will yield. Because Jesus said: heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words will never pass away.

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Lika a mustard seed (English/Swahili)
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Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is lika a mustard seed. It starts so small and insignificant, but grows into a big tree. When we love and serve Jesus, we should never forget that the small things that we do, might have an amazingly great impact in time and give us a wonderful reward in Heaven. From Radio Milambo, Migori, Kenya.

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Tell ESPECIALLY Peter (English/Swahili)
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Easter is the greatest holiday for a believer in Jesus Christ, and the most touching story is of course about Jesus Himself, going to the cross.

But also the story of Peter, the disciple chosen by Jesus to be the rock, is very touching, when he during Easter is first promising Jesus to give his life for Him, then a few hours later totally denies Him, and then later is restored by the Lord. From Radio Milambo in English/Swahili.

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The father with two sons (English/Swahili)
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One of the most touching and powerful parables of Jesus Christ is the parable of the prodigal son, in Swedish the parable of the lost son. It is a message about someone who lives in his sins, just to one day wake up and realize that he has lost everything and has nothing here in life. Sad and poor he starts turning back to his father, hoping to maybe at least have food on the table, but is suprised to see that the father gives him everything back, for free.

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Forgive each other, just as God has forgiven you in Christ Jesus (English/Swahili)
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To forgive other people is not always easy, but it is very important. The Lord Jesus Christ speaks about the importance for us to forgive others in the parable of the unmerciful servant, who was not willing to forgive his brother, owing him just a little bit, while his master had forgiven him a debt that was unmeasurable. And then his master had him put in jail until he had paid his debt back, and Jesus said that is what will God will do with us if we do not forgive. This message is about forgiving, how important it is and how we can get the strength and will from God to forgive, even very big faults and sins from our fellow man.

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Walk in love, as Christ also loved us (English/Swahili)
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One of the greatest things about believing in Jesus Christ is to get to know the love of Jesus Christ, to be loved by Jesus and to love Him. And we are called to grow in love, for Jesus, for our families, for our brothers and all people. And it is all by grace, we can never ever produce that love in ourselves. This sermon is about this topic.

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The falling away and the coming of the Antichrist (English/Swahili)
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The Bible says that in the end of times there will come someone who will rule the world. He is called the Antichrist and if the believers in Christ will still be here when he steps forth, we need to be able to recognize him, in order not to be decieved. Many preachers today say that before Jesus comes back there will be a great end time revival, and the earth will be under the Dominion of the believers in Jesus Christ, but the Bible says that before Jesus comes back there will be a great falling away and the earth will be under the Antichrist. So who is right? I ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth in all of this, through the Word of God.

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