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I Am God and this is My Land (English/Bangla both written and spoken)
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I Am God and this is My Land. Those amazing words were heard as a voice speaking to a drug addict who, “by happenstance”, visited Israel. He was overwhelmed by the understanding that there is a God in Heaven, and the Presence of God in Israel. Today he is saved and works to help other drug addicts.

When you love Jesus, you will love what He loves, and dislike what He dislikes. Jesus loves everything created, so you will love the atheists, muslims and hindus, but you will especially love your brothers/sisters and the Jewish people and the country of Israel, because those are the precious pearls in the Eyes of the Lord. Sad to say we see more and more hostility towards Israel, also in Sweden, also among believers in Jesus Christ, but I would say that if you call yourself a follower of Jesus and can not say from your heart that you love Israel, you should go down on your knees before God and give you love for Israel. Ask, and it shall be given! God bless everyone who listens, and God bless Israel.

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Khoya – a Philadelphia church (Bangla/English)
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In the last days before Jesus comes back there will be two types of churches: Laodicea, the lukewarm church, and Philadelphia, the faithful church that holds on to Jesus Christ.

Me and sister Liliane have traveled to Africa and Bangladesh and met both of these two kinds of churches. Khoya MC in Khulna is one of the Philadelphia churches that we have met.

God bless you all in Khoya! We love you all so much! And Jesus loves you even more!

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Jesus Christ, the Rock in the coming storm (English/বাংলা)
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This sermon called “Jesus Christ, the Rock in the coming storm” (English and Bengali), and it’s is for all of my English speaking brothers/sisters in Christ Jesus, in Sweden and all over the world. It’s about what is about to come, how to prepare and about the Coming of Christ. I believe that it’s important to take part of and is partly prophetic. It is in English, spoken and written form, and also translated to Bengali, both written and spoken. So you can listen, download or read. Please feel free to share it on Facebook! God bless you all and may God strengthen you in Christ.

এইউপদেশটি”যীশুখ্রীষ্ট, আগতঝড়েরমধ্যেশিলাহয়ে” নামেপরিচিত(ইংরাজীএবংবাংলা), এবংএটিখ্রিস্টযীশুতে, সুইডেনেএবংসারাবিশ্বেআমারইংরেজিভাষীসমস্তভাই/ বোনদেরজন্য। এটিকীআসবে, কীভাবেপ্রস্তুতহবেএবংখ্রিস্টেরআগমনসম্পর্কে। আমিবিশ্বাসকরিযেঅংশনেওয়াগুরুত্বপূর্ণএবংআংশিকভাবেভবিষ্যদ্বাণীমূলকহয়এটিইংরেজীভাষায়, কথ্যএবংলিখিতআকারেএবংলিখিতএবংকথ্যউভয়ইবাংলায়অনুবাদিত। সুতরাংআপনিশুনতে, ডাউনলোডবাপড়তেপারেন। এটিফেসবুকেশেয়ারকরুননির্দ্বিধায়দয়াকরে! ঈশ্বরআপনাদেরসকলকেমঙ্গলকরুনএবংঈশ্বরআপনাকেখ্রিস্টেশক্তিমানকরুন।

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We shall see Him as He Is (Svenska/English/বাংলা)
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The Bible tells us that one day we shall see the Lord Jesus Christ as He Is, and that hope does purify our lives. When we look at something or someone, we are affected by that, and the more you look at Jesus, pray and read the Bible, the more you will be made like Him in your personality, and that is something really wonderful since the personality of Jesus Christ is lovely.

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When the power comes from God (English/বাংলা)
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In the revival at Azusa Street, there was a prophecy about changes in the Pentecostal Church in the last days, among them a strong search for power. Yes, the Holy Spirit comes with power, but not all spiritual power comes from God. So what does it look like when the power comes from God, and what does it look like when it doesn´t?

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The Beatitudes
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The sermon on the mount is the most radical and challenging sermon ever preached, and the Beatitudes are some of the sweetest words ever spoken by Jesus. These words seem almost absurd to those who belong to this world, but for those who have spiritual eyes and that belong to God´s Kingdom, they are as sweet as honey and we love to hear them.

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Sermon on the Prophecy of Valdres (English/Bengali)
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I have before recorded this prophecy, but this is a sermon on it that tries to interpret its meaning and content. I trust this prophecy since it has proven correct into details and was brought forward by believers in Christ that are trustworthy. I believe we should listen to this prophecy and I believe that it is important that we try to understand what she speaks about.

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