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The love and compassion of Jesus Christ

Posted on 1 Oct, 2020 in English | 0 comments

(This sermon is partly only written in short notes, so maybe better to listen to the audio file.)

I want to put Jesus in the center of my preaching, and I will speak about some important things about Jesus and His personality. We are called by God to get to know and become more and more made into the likeness of Jesus Christ, and then we need to know more about Him. On Sunday I will speak about the Majesty and Humility of Jesus Christ, but today I will speak about another very important part of our faith, and it’s the love and compassion of Jesus Christ.


And To get to know God and the love of Jesus Christ is a very important part of being His disciple, because God, Jesus, is love. 

Ephesians says: that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith that you being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and the length and depth and height, to know the love of Christ which passes all knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. 

William Carrol. Background. Drug addict. Alcoholic. Homeless. 

Today. TSC. My reaction. 

Many verses in the Bible speak about Jesus’s love for us. Jesus said: As the Father loved Me, I have loved you. Imagine that Jesus loves us as the Father loves Jesus. It’s a love we can’t understand fully here on earth.

and Zephaniah 3:17 it says: the Lord your God is in your midst, the Mighty One will save. He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. 

Greetings from sister Liliane! Love and prayers. and from the Lord! Look away from difficulties. Look at Jesus. Poor? Rich in Jesus Christ. Many in the West! Jesus’s love for them. 

Dada Liliane has a wonderful picture of Zephaniah 3:17. She says that it means that when Jesus thinks about you and me, His beloved children, He is so full of joy, He is rejoicing over you so much, filled with love for you, so Jesus can’t sit still on the Throne. Jesus takes a jumping rope, and then He is singing and jumping a little while when He thinks about you. 

It’s what I call spiritual humor, and I don’t think that Jesus minds, I believe He is smiling when He sees the joy in our hearts that we belong to Him. But it’s a good picture to show how much Jesus loves you and rejoices over you. 

And God’s love is a giving love. Jesus said that it’s more blessed to give than to receive. And there is a joy in giving, we can see that ourselves in our lives. Our God is extremely generous and gracious. He gives, gives and gives out of His abundant grace and love. Jesus rejoices when He can give us more love, because when we receive more of Jesus’s love, we love Him even more. And remember: God is always more willing to give, than we are to receive. 

And Jesus said: ask and it shall be given. So ask Jesus to fill you with more of His love, and I know He will. 

And Jesus has the same love for all people. God has no respect to person. Jesus doesn’t love one person more than the other.

But still Jesus’s love is special for everyone of us. Jesus loves you in a way that He doesn’t love me. And Jesus loves me, in a way He doesn’t love you. Why? Because you are unique, and that’s why Jesus loves you in a unique way. And that’s why everyone who belongs to Jesus can say: I am chosen by God! I am unique in the Eyes of God. I am special to Jesus. And you are speaking the truth, and it’s not pride, as long as you don’t consider yourself above others! And that’s one of the reasons why it’s so wonderful to be loved by Jesus, because He knows you and loves you like no other. You can almost say: Jesus loves only me! Please don’t misunderstand me, but you can say: Jesus is mine, and I am His. 

Jesus also has an amazing compassion. compassion is an ability to feel and sense how your fellow man is doing, and Jesus had compassion like no one else. Jesus is also so sensitive, tender, caring. Jesus is familiar with our pain, burdens, our afflictions. 

Jesus walking on earth. 

I will give you a short testimony as an example. 

During my conversion from October 2005 until April 2006 when I finally met Jesus, I had an immense spiritual battle. Once I was about to meet my spiritual guide, a deacon with a wonderful grace and anointing, and we met close to the altar in the front of the church. We sat down and he said: let’s pray. The burden in my soul and mind, which I had carried bravely for several months, was so heavy on me so as soon as he folded his hands, I started to cry, and cry and cry. The former tough and brave Special Forces soldier broke down, like a child. He immediately just closed his eyes, understanding the Holy Spirit was doing something in me. He said: the Lord says, don’t be afraid. You will see that you fear God. Jesus wants to set you completely free. 

And I felt Jesus literally standing on my right side, touching my right side, it was a wound from my childhood, feeling rejected by people that I loved, although it was only my feelings, not the way things were. Jesus didn’t say anything, but His Hand, His very being said: Konrad, I know this wound hurts you, but I will lift this burden away from you. The next week, during worship, Jesus healed that wound. I can never forget the compassion, the tenderness in the way Jesus touched me. 

Another side of the compassion of Jesus Christ is stretching out your hand towards your fellow man, caring for him, even when you yourself are suffering. 

Jesus showed on the cross that Love is a choice, an act of will. Not feelings. Jesus said: no one takes My life from Me, I lay it down of Myself. Gave His life out of free will. 

Love your enemies. 

On the cross, even though Jesus was suffering. Mary, John. 

Father forgive them! 

It’s that wonderful love and compassion that Jesus Christ has for all of us, and that love won the victory on the cross. In Jesus Christ love and truth has won. Here on earth we are given, by God’s grace, a foretaste of the love of Jesus, but we can’t receive it fully. But one day we will. 

Paul says that now I see as in a mirror, dimly, but then face to Face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I am also known. 

Jesus knows us fully already, but we know in part. But one day my wish from childhood will be a reality. I wanted to know who God is, and I wanted to know what love is. 

And One day We will fully know God, and we will fully understand and be filled with the love of Christ. That’s something really amazing to look forward to. And since Jesus soon is Coming back to this earth, we are closer than ever to that goal: Heaven with Jesus for Eternity. Knowing God fully and being fully filled with the love of Jesus Christ. And that is to have a future and a hope that will not be put to shame. Praise Jesus! Amen. 

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