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Church get ready because Christ is coming (English/বাংলা)

Posted on 22 Apr, 2020 in All languages, Bangla, English | 0 comments

Church get ready, because Jesus Christ is coming soon 

When we were in Africa Liliane heard the Lord say: I hear the sound of Footsteps. Be ready to be raptured into the sky, to meet Me. 

Jesus Christ will be back soon. We are closer than ever before. In Mathew 24 Jesus speaks about the signs of His Coming, rumors of wars, earthquakes and we see these signs today. And most of all Jesus speaks about spiritual deception, people preaching another Christ, and today there is more deception in the church of Jesus Christ than ever, especially in the West, but it’s now spreading all over the world. Every sign Jesus speaks about is a reality today, and we have to be awake and ready, and prepare for what’s going to happen before Jesus comes. 

This message is maybe the most important one I will preach here in Bangladesh, to make God’s people ready for what’s coming, so I ask you to listen carefully. I will post it on my Homepage and on Facebook and I believe it’s good if you spread this message to others by sharing it. 

The Lord doesn’t give us prophecies to scare us, but to prepare His own people so that they are not taken by surprise and will stand confused, but so they can stand firm and say: the Lord has said that this was to come. It means Jesus has everything under full control and that I don’t have to be afraid. The Lord already has a plan for His own people for this time. The Lord is never taken by surprise, don’t forget that. 

I love my country but we need to repent. The last three years the Lord has given me maybe 10-15 dreams about a Russian attack on Sweden, and one just a few days ago, and our country is caught off guard and an easy target. My mother and father, and others, have also had dreams about a Russian attack on Sweden.

Other prophecies, among them the prophecy of Valdres from 1968, which I preached about two years ago in Bangladesh, and by David Wilkerson and others, and they all say the same thing: there is a conflict coming between the Western World against Russia and China, and Russia and China will win, USA and NATO will loose. 

And today, we see tensions between Russia and USA, in Ukraine, Korea, Iran, Syria and as always around Israel. This is coming, but I don’t know when. But it’s not so far away, so we need to get ready. 

I believe this is what the Bible calls the Great Tribulation and out of the chaos that comes the Antichrist will rise to power. I believe The Antichrist will come with a message about love, peace, tolerance and security. He will unite all religions and say they all have the same God and do great signs and wonders. But Jesus and the apostles say: don’t be deceived, because he will deceive many. Some say the church of Jesus Christ will be raptured before this, others say in the middle, and some that we will have to go through all of it. Personally I believe that we at least will have to go through some of it before Jesus comes, so we have to prepare. 

That’s the bad news, so what are the good news? Yes, I also have good news for these prophecies all say, that it will be easier in Africa, South America and Asia. The hardest part will be for us who live in the West. 

but I have even better news for those who believe in Jesus Christ all over the world. you are saved! Just hold on to Jesus Christ and nothing can hurt you, only bring you into Heaven. We are in Christ, and Christ is in us. He surrounds us on all sides. We have absolutely nothing to fear, we are totally secure in Christ. 

And remember: Jesus, the Lord, Our God, He is Almighty, He is Faithful and He will be with us. God will make a way for us! Because Jesus is the Lord, Ruler of Heaven and earth, and He will be with you. When the disciples were in the boat terrified by the storm, Jesus comes walking on the water in the storm and says to His disciples: I Am! Don’t be afraid! Jesus knows the future fully and even more: He holds it in His Hands and has everything under full control. 

And don’t forget that Jesus loves you! Jesus loves you with an amazing love, and He will NOT let you down! He has said: I will never leave you, nor forsake you! You can be one hundred percent sure that Jesus will help you! Jesus will help His own people, Jesus will take care of His own children. So trust in Jesus with all your heart. 

And Jesus even says: be of good cheer! Because these shakings mean that I Am coming soon! My beloved brothers, Jesus will come and you will have rest, full peace, abundant grace and unspeakable joy forever. So don’t be afraid, no, when you see all these things happen, lift up your heads, set your gaze upon Heaven and rejoice, because your deliverance, your redemption draws near. 

the Lord has shown me: don’t be afraid, but prepare. 

So how do we prepare? The first step to prepare is to get right with God! If you are not saved or have backslided from Jesus, you need to come to Jesus today, ask His forgiveness and come back to Him. To be in Jesus’s Christ is the safest place you can ever find! 

I also believe that we will need faith to stand in the storm, so prepare by strengthening your faith, and faith comes by hearing the Word of God. When we read the Word and listen to good preaching, faith rises in our hearts. So read the Bible, and focus especially upon the promises, the examples of God’s faithfulness, examples of unbelievable rescues. 

Read about how the Lord divided the Red Sea, and the children of God walked through unharmed. Read in the book of Daniel how the three young Hebrew men were thrown into the burning oven, how they refused to abandon their God even in the face of death, and how the Son of Man, Jesus, rescued them. He covered them with His Hand, and they stepped out totally unharmed, and the fear of God fell upon every one who saw it.

Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever. What Jesus did then, He can do today. Jesus can deliver you from any possible situation. Jesus is the Lord, God Almighty, and all things are possible with God. 

Prepare by reading the Bible, but Jesus also says: ask, and it shall be given! So pray! Ask Jesus to give you more faith! Ask also for more love for His Word, ask for more of Jesus inside of you. The more you have of Jesus and His Word inside of you, the better you will stand. 

And build your faith on the rock. Jesus says that the storms, wind and rains came, but the house would still stand, because it was built on the rock, that’s Jesus and all of God’s Word. 

I say this in love, and with sadness, but in the West today, happiness Christianity or New Age Christianity is becoming more and more popular. They are taught that if you believe in Jesus Christ, you will never be tested, never suffer or be sick, and when the suffering comes, I believe that some will think: God has abandoned me! That faith is in great danger of crashing in the storm.

So which faith will stand? Jesus Himself gives the answer: Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. A faith built on the Words Jesus has spoken, and a trust in Jesus as a person, in His Faithfulness, goodness, and kindness even in suffering, and also a faith that believes that Jesus is Almighty, and has everything under control. That faith will stand. 

Because A Christian has both: tremendous blessings, joy, peace, grace and love, but also testing and sometimes suffering. And whatever I go through, Jesus is with me, He surrounds me and holds me in His Hands, and even in my testing Jesus Christ is the same, He is still good and faithful so I can trust Him and even thank Him and be at peace. 

Jesus spoke to me in a dream and said: I Am your strength, and when you thank Me, I give you of My strength. When we thank Jesus, even in trials, Jesus will give you comfort, peace, and new strength. And even if we suffer we can thank Jesus for who He Is, for what He did on the cross and for His grace. in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God. 

And also have your joy, your greatest blessing in being a child of God, in having God’s grace upon you, and you will be able to rejoice and thank Jesus even in prison, and that source of joy can never be taken away from you, and that joy will give you strength in testing. Jesus said that no one could take our joy away from us, and it’s the joy of being His child. Yes, testing can disturb the joy, but if you hold on to Jesus, it will come back. Joy of the Lord is our strength, so it will lift us up. 

I also believe that a faith with it’s home in Heaven, will stand. Hebrews says: These all died in faith, having seen the promises afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. The African slaves in USA 200 years ago suffered immensely, but when they were working, they sang, about Jesus and Heaven. They endured because they were living for what’s coming, not this life. The more you live for Jesus and Heaven, the better you will stand.

I also believe that we need a faith that has a great God. You don’t need a great faith, but a great God that you trust and know. Read about how great and powerful the Lord is, for instance in the book of Acts, in Exodus. In the book of Joshua the Lord made the sun stand still for a day. That’s who our God is! 

Jesus can deliver you from any situation, because all things are possible with God. Even when you face death, Jesus can deliver you. 

But one day this life ends, and some people are called to give their lives for Jesus Christ, like 11 of the apostles. But even then Jesus is Faithful. You can face death like Stephen, the first martyr. He looked up into an open Heaven, and he said: I see the Heavens open and the Son of Man standing upon the right Hand Side of God the Father. He was given such grace, that he was free from fear, full of peace, and he saw Jesus. 


Yes, difficult times are coming and we should prepare, but Trust in the Lord with all your heart! We can meet the future full of confidence and trust in Jesus. Because The Lord will help His own servants! Malachi 3 says: So a book of remembrance was written before Him For those who fear the Lord And who meditate on His name. 17“They shall be Mine,” says the Lord of hosts, “On the day that I make them My jewels. And I will spare them As a man spares his own son who serves him.

The judgement of God will come, especially upon the West, but through it all Jesus will be Faithful. He can not deny Himself. Jesus will NOT judge His Own beloved children. Yes, I believe that it will be hard for us also, but Jesus will carry us through the stormy waters, Jesus will give us His grace and peace. Jesus will come to us walking, and say: don’t be afraid! I Am God and I Am in full control. 

Yes, Jesus even says: be of good cheer! Rejoice! Because this means that I Am coming and you know how it will all end through the Revelations. My beloved brothers, the Heavens will open, and Jesus will come back, riding on a white horse. He will come as the King of kings, in all power and authority, with His Mighty Angels, and He will deliver His Own people, defeat all His enemies, the Antichrist will vanish in a second, and Jesus will reign forever. And we will have peace, joy and love forever and ever. 

Revelations say: I saw a new heaven and a new earth. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, for the former things have passed away. 

This is how it all ends. Something new is coming, something new will be born, much better than before. We have a glorious future, waiting for us after the birth pains. 2nd Corinthians says: For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and Eternal weight of Glory. Think about what’s coming, because that will last forever! Keep up your courage and your faith! Think about the reward in Heaven for those who hold on to Jesus Christ. 

Because Jesus is coming soon, and we will be victorious, because Jesus has overcome the world. Jesus has already won the victory, on the cross, and Jesus gives His victory, His glory, to us by grace through faith. We are going to Heaven to be with Jesus, hallelujah, in Eternal grace, peace and joy. Amen. 

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