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Then the righteous shall shine like the sun (English/Meru)

Posted on 4 Dec, 2019 in All languages, English | 0 comments

Then the righteous shall shine forth like the sun

Now after six days, Jesus took Peter, James and John, led them up on a high mountain by themselves, and He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became white as the light.

These words are from the mount of transfiguration, where Jesus shows His disciples His glory and Majesty. Some famous preachers today say that Jesus was an ordinary man on earth, not the Son of God, just born again and spirit filled. But that’s not what my Bible says. Jesus appeared as a simple man, He was not showing His glory and Majesty to the human eye, but Jesus was the Son of God already in Mary’s womb. But on the Mount of transfiguration Jesus reveals His glory to His closest disciples, so they would believe that He was the Messiah, the Son of God.

Jesus said in John 11: Did I not say to you that If you would believe you would see the glory of God. I believe that we all are longing to see God’s glory, to see the Face of Jesus Christ and both see and share His glory. And we have been given a promise, that in Heaven we shall see and share the glory of Jesus Christ forever. That’s a promise we should remind ourselves of now and then. One day I will see and share the glory of God.

In Matthew Jesus says that Then the righteous shall shine forth like the sun in their Fathers Kingdom. These words are about Heaven, But I also believe that we can be given more and more of this already here on earth.

During my conversion I was led by the Lord to a church in Stockholm called Sankta Klara. And as soon as I entered that church, I felt something. I felt the Holy Presence of Jesus, and I saw something in many faces in that church. Their faces were shining like the sun, already here on earth. There was a wonderful rest upon them, a deep inner peace. Their eyes and faces were shining with joy and love, The fruit of the Spirit was great within them, a strong love from Jesus Christ, and the Glory of the Lord was felt and seen within them. It was amazing to see and it attracted me so strongly, I felt an inner wish to receive what they had been given.

And still today I have this inner wish to have more of Jesus inside of me, more of the glory of the Lord upon me. And Jesus said: ask, and it shall be given. We can receive it freely, by God’s grace.

The Glory of the Lord is also a way to discern the spirits. Jesus says in Matthew 24 that in the last days, many false prophets will arise, do great miracles in Jesus’s Name, but Jesus Himself says that He never knew them, because they don’t represent Him. Jesus is not inside of them. If I do a miracle in Jesus’s Name, that doesn’t mean that He has sent me. Time after time Jesus and the apostles say about the last days before Jesus returns: don’t be deceived! Stay awake!

We discern first of all by what they preach, but also by looking for the glory of the Lord.
When I see David Wilkerson, a great American preacher, in recordings on YouTube, I see the glory of God upon him. I see the radiance of Jesus Christ in his face and I sense the fruit of the Spirit about him. And when he speaks, I hear that it’s the full truth of the gospel, and my heart, my inner man confirms: yes, this is the Lord speaking through him, I sense it. I also feel an inner joy, a love for him, I feel drawn to him, as if I wanted to hug him. Wilkerson is with the Lord now, but I feel the same thing when I look at the face of his successor Carter Conlon. I am filled with heavenly joy when I see his face. I see Jesus Christ in them.

But many famous prophets and apostles today make me feel the other way around. I see nothing of Jesus in them, no faces shining like the sun, and I feel like I want to flee from them. And when I hear what they preach, I understand why. It’s not the gospel. If I looked at Paul, Peter or John, I would almost be looking into the face of Jesus Christ, so if I can’t see at least something of Jesus and His glory upon them, I start doubting that they are real. If we are looking for the glory of the Lord with spiritual eyes we are harder to deceive in the last days.

Romans say that we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but Jesus Christ came to restore us, to give us back the grace to be called God’s children. And then Romans say: whom He predestined, these He also called, whom He called, these He also justified, and whom He justified, these He also glorified.

This righteousness is only by grace through faith, it’s not because of our good works. We have been given it as a gift from Jesus Christ. So if you want to see more of the glory of the Lord upon you, look at Jesus with the eyes of faith. The more your eyes and your heart looks upon Jesus, the more your face will also shine like the sun and the glory of the Lord rest upon you.

2nd Corinthians says: but we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

The one we are looking at, we are being made like. Some Christians today speak a lot about the Devil and give him too much attention. The more you look at the Devil and what He does, you will be made more like him. Yes, he exists, and we should be aware of it, but still don’t speak so much about him.

But when we look at Jesus, speak about Jesus, we will be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ, from glory to glory. Look at Jesus, speak about Jesus, think about Jesus, and you will be more and more like Him, and Jesus will draw you closer to Him, and Jesus’s glory will be seen upon you.

And when we have the glory of the Lord upon us, there is a divine protection over our lives. IN psalms 118 it’s written in the Swedish translation: the Lord is with me, He is my Helper. I can without fear look upon those who hate me.

There was a man where I live who was in trouble, and I tried to help him. But after some time I realized that this man was not a good man, and one time he looked upon me with such a hate towards me, but I looked back at him, straight in the eye, filled with the love of Jesus Christ, and though he was much bigger than me, he looked at me and I felt he wanted to hit me, but something held him back, I saw a sign of fear in his eyes, and I believe that it was the fear of God.

The glory of the Lord is a shield of protection around us. Psalms 5 says from the Swedish translation: for You, O Lord, will bless the righteous, with grace You will surround him as with a shield.

God’s grace and glory is a shield of protection around us. That’s a fact. God is Almighty and when God has His Hands upon us, we have a divine protection.

But I don’t preach a gospel of only success and prosperity here on earth. The apostles had the glory of the Lord around them, but all but one died as martyrs. But no one could touch them until their time on earth was up. They also tried to stone Jesus, but He just walked away, they couldn’t touch Him, not before His time had come to give His life. It’s the same with us.

Romans 5 says that through Jesus Christ we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. To think of the hope of glory gives us joy and hope, and when we think of the Coming glory, we are also affected by it here on earth.

Romans say that we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations. The Lord has shown me that difficult times are ahead for Sweden, and I have read other prophecies that say that these difficult times will come over the entire Western World, and most likely also affect Africa, but it will especially be in the West. But I believe that the hope of God’s glory will give us both strength and hope.

When the Jews were in Concentration camps during World War Two, they said to each other every day: next year Jerusalem. They kept the hope alive of returning to the country God had promised to give them and That gave them comfort and hope, and that made them cope. Those who kept their faith and hope alive, they survived more often.

And God is forever Faithful. Today, by God’s grace and faithfulness, Israel is back as a nation and the Lord has fought for Israel and even though they often have been outnumbered by their enemies, Israel is still there.

But we have something more than they had. We have an even greater hope than Jerusalem, we have Christ in us, the hope of glory. Paul writes in 1st Thessalonians about the coming of Jesus Christ, what it will be like, and then he ends: therefore, comfort one another with these words. So if we have to go through hard times, we can give each other hope and comfort by saying: Jesus is coming soon. The glory awaits us. That will give us courage and hope, just as it did for the Jews.

Because Jesus IS coming soon. When me and sister Liliane were traveling in Uganda, the Lord spoke to Liliane and said: I hear the sound of footsteps. Be ready to be raptured, to meet Me in the sky. Some say the rapture will come before the Great Tribulation, others in the middle, others afterwards. I don’t know. But what I DO know is that Jesus is coming soon. He is not too far away now. So we should be ready and remind us of the hope of God’s glory and the hope of His Coming. Because that hope will NOT put us to shame. Jesus WILL come back to give deliverance and victory to God’s people.

Romans says that whom He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son. while we wait and expect the Coming of Jesus Christ, we walk with Him and look at Jesus all the time. We love Him, serve Him and are changed, from image to image and glory to glory, into the likeness of Jesus Christ. Yes, sometimes we fall and we fail, but we get up again, ask His forgiveness and walk with Him again. And step by step, God the Father will see the image of His Own Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, inside of us.

And one day, this work will be finished. Jesus will come back, in a tremendous glory and might, and with Jesus the Kingdom of God will come. And we will on that day share the glory of Jesus Christ. Our faces will be shining like the sun, because then Jesus Christ is fully in us. We will be given new bodies, full of glory, and we will be delivered from the old sin nature, the flesh, which we all have to fight against here on earth.

And then, the righteous will be shining like the sun in our Fathers Kingdom. What a day that will be! And it’s given to us by God’s grace, and God’s grace alone. Not by
works, nor by good deeds. No, only by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ. And on that day perhaps Jesus will say: Did I not tell you, that if you believe, you would see the glory of God. Amen.

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