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Vad är kärlek?
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Så många människor söker och längtar efter att få möta den där stora kärleken, men ofta blir den bara kortlivad. Finns det då någon sann, fulländad och bestående kärlek någonstans, och går den att finna? Svaret är ja, den finns, och Du kan få den i Ditt hjärta, men Du kan bara finna den hos Jesus, ingen annanstans.

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Saligprisningarna (live)
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Hästskon, en symbol för lycka. Men den “lycka”, salighet, som Jesus beskriver hör inte till denna världen, utan är ett tänkande som är nästan raka motsatsten. Lyssna till Jesu utmanande Ord om vad “sann och bestående lycka”, dvs salighet, är.

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Band of brothers (English/Swahili)
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We talk a lot about unity in the body of Christ in the West today, but the fact is that there is already a unity in Christ, in the Spirit, for those who truly love Jesus Christ. They are united, after a few moments, with the fellowship in Jesus Christ and a bond of love and respect is created between them. This is the work of God, and not men, and it is an invisible bond, to be seen only by those who have spiritual eyes.

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What has happened to the worship in the West? (English/Swahili)
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I have felt for quite a long time that something has happened to the worship in my country, Sweden, but not only there, also in large parts of the church of the Western World. I know that many others that have spiritual discernment feel the same way. So what has happened? This is a sermon that describes what has happened and the cause of it. It is in English and Swahili.

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This homepage contains many sermons in English, both spoken and written form. If you search for the word “English” in the search field you will always find them since the Word English is always in the title of non Swedish messages.

Enjoy your stay.